"Interactive works are like a candy machine. You put your money in, press a button, and the machine spits out the chocolate bar of your choice." (Reader 19)

The digital revolution is an era where random access becomes the focal point of works of art. Since this new era is so munipulative, there is much that can be done with it. The idea that the artist creates half of the piece and the audience completes the latter half is interesting. I know that in many of the projects I have done here, the idea of interactivity is prevalent. even as we sit here reading this, we are interacting and the links that are available make it a half and half situation. You have to look around pages these days if you want to navigate the space. Indeed it has shifted from author to viewer. Without a viewer, we are nothing. Artists are nothing. Society is nothing. So yes, everyday people put on a show to get noticed because if we live life by ourselves, that wouldnt be much fun. Back to the artists, they need the viewer to access their work or their work is worthless. Look through the occulus and you will find that artists are nothing without viewers and users. We need to stop giving credit to where credit is not due i.e. Hollywood and start giving credit where credit is due! i.e. Bollywood.